Quicksight distinct count over. When a calculated field formula contains an. Quicksight distinct count over

 When a calculated field formula contains anQuicksight distinct count over  The operand must be unaggregated

I hope I understood your question and apologise if I haven't understood correctly. e. e. The following tips can help make it easier for Amazon QuickSight to automatically map fields between datasets, for example if you are creating a filter action across datasets: Matching field names – Field names must match exactly. In our example, the high series line width has been increased to 4px and the color is set to purple. Hi, I’m new to QuickSight. The same filters are applied to both visuals, except for the action filter on the bar chart. Amazon QuickSight recently launched a new. A few ways this can be solved. how-to, calculations. QuickSight has carefully designed concepts and features that enable analysis builders, such as QuickSight authors, to design content-rich, interactive, and dynamic dashboards to share with dashboard. Select the dataset you want to make the new visual from. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance!! Wakana August 14, 2023, 3:25am 2. This post is co-written with Shawn Koupal, an Enterprise Analytics IT Architect at Best Western International, Inc. I have added the total stations in. The count function calculates the number of values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. The count of unique ID's where Color is RED is 2, being WD14 and DB09. They also include minOver and maxOver, which can calculate minimum and maximum over partitions. ctine: distinct_countIf ( {row_id}, {country} = ‘New Zealand’) / sumOver (distinct_count ( {row_id})) Hello Tin, Totals and subtotals are blank for table. I want to count distinct using claim_id field, but the condition is i needto count the latest claim_id date. In the screenshot below, Order Date and Sales (Sum) are added to the insight. Let flag=1. This post explores how you. I am trying create a calculated field which counts a distinct count of IDs. The following example calculates the week-to-date minimum fare amount per payment type, for the week of 06-30-21. ABC Customer/12345/100. In an existing line chart, look for an insight notification in the menu on the visual widget. date AS stay_date, COUNT (DISTINCT booking_id) as Nights FROM dates LEFT JOIN bookings ON dates. Partition functions. On the Get QuickSight Q add-on page that opens, choose the AWS Regions that you want to get the add-on for, and then choose Continue. Did you try using function distinct count over? You can follow the same calculation logic, instead of using sum, can use distinct count. Creator II. At the moment you can define a measure that returns the number of distinct users for each device but not the total number of distinct users. distinctCountOver 関数は、指定されたレベルで指定された属性によって分割されたオペランドの個別の個数を計算します。. 2. However this would only provide a count of start_date. You could try distincCountOVer which allows you to pre-filter and pre-aggregate the data as well as partition it. (Optional) The time period across which you're computing the computation. I have a dataset that records per month an employee for a specific company. The fields in the table calculation are in the field wells of the visual. From the Amazon QuickSight dashboard, choose New analysis, then. 06-30-21 is Wednesday. Use the distinctCountOver function for calculated fields in Amazon QuickSight analyses. distinct_count 関数は、ディメンションまたはメジャーの個別の値の個数を計算し、選択した 1 つ以上のディメンションに基づいてグループ化して返します。. The most useful statistic for this metric is SUM, which represents the total number of failed visuals during a set period. Complete the following steps to upload your Sales Orders. @ctine - This is because at the visual level there are only 5 distinct Months available (across all the students). Improve this answer. You might encounter screenshots or procedural text that doesn't reflect the new look in the QuickSight console. QuickSight Actions provide advanced filtering capabilities through single point-and-click actions on dashboards. These perform the same type of aggregation, based on a condition. This article uses the SaaS-Sales Dataset that you can download as part of the QuickSight Author Workshop. Before we can create a dataset and visualization, we need to grant QuickSight access to the Athena Neptune Connector Lambda function that we created earlier, the Athena query results S3 bucket, and the S3 bucket where the Athena Neptune Connector spills over the results. The new dashboard experience includes the following improvements: Simplified toolbar. In fact, I did not formulate correctly my question: I want some calculated values from my data for this month and this week (reference date = now). The fields in the table calculation are in the field wells of the visual. Resilience in Amazon QuickSight. . Thanks so much, Thomas. In the analysis that you want to change, choose Add insight. I tried Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. 4a. Thank you Andy for your help. If you do not have a QuickSight account please follow the instructions in the Initial Setup. please help. Amazon QuickSight Community distinctCountOver if condition. Regards. (Optional) Modify the visual to meet your requirements (for example, by adding a filter or changing the visual type). Each field in the list is enclosed in { } (curly braces), if it is more than one word. The following example shows the minimum Billed Amount over Customer Region. Hello, I am trying to do a distinct year-to-date count in quicksight calculations. I did it the following way: runningSum (sum ( {count}), [truncDate ("MM", {creationdate}) ASC], [ {region}]) and I found an interesting catch. order by ID; drop table Ejemplo; You can see what I put in order the field 'ID', because the function peek () depend about that. Amazon QuickSight notifies you on a visual where it detects an anomaly, key drivers, or a forecasting opportunity. It shows the overall and average evaluation score,. In the Value field well, choose a field drop-down menu, choose Show on: Left Y-axis, and then choose Right Y-axis. By Raj Redshift. Share. Ditto - same here!Mapping and joining fields. syntax: distinctCountOver ( {Order ID}, [ {Order Date}],PRE_AGG) details can be found here: distinctCountOver - Amazon QuickSight. After updating, save the dataset. . Nitya_Goriparthi November 6, 2022, 5:17am 1. While this link may answer the question, it is better to include the essential parts of the answer here and provide the link for reference. User1 - 9e4 (1), User2 - 538 (1), User3 - 538 (1), b48 (1), c22 (1), c2e (1), f5c (5 times attempted, but as it is unique I need to count it as 1)I have a dashboard in Quick-sight where a table is being used which contains a field that has values list aggregated. check_in_date <=. Within the “QuickSight access to AWS services” section, click “Manage”. SUMX (DISTINCTCUSTOMERS, [DistCust]) The total at the bottom represent ALL the distinct customers, which in my summary table is 8,771. I need help to for using countif in QuickSight. For example, 4/26/2020 would become 2, because April is in the second quarter of the year. Aggregate functions are only available during analysis and visualization. As the distinct_countIf function exists, I thought it was possible to mix the Over & If methods in the same time, but it’s not. Accepted Answer. 2 . So if you made a bar chart with key as the x-axis and this count as the y it should show one on the y-axis for every x-axis point. Granularity of YEAR means YearToDate computation, Quarter means QuarterToDate, and so on. Jesse March 28, 2022, 9:55pm 6. I am trying to make a calculated field in AWS Quicksight for leads that have closed. We are hoping to add this soon. When we compare the results with Profit Ratio we created earlier, the numbers are quite different! This is because Profit Ratio calculates the transactional-level ratio first and then finds the average; whereas Profit. Refer to your QuickSight invitation email or contact your QuickSight administrator if you are unsure of your account name. Funnel Chart. Regards, Ahmed. Hi, I am looking for help in calculating correct attainment % in cell F8 in the attached screenshot. The expression to return if its if argument is evaluated as true. If I use this formula distinct_count ( {customer_id}) and a new customer filter, I get 4. Quicksight refreshing Anomaly dashboards for real time data 1 Amazon Forecast: [ERROR]: Too few observations (n) for number of items (n),averaging 1. of unique course offerings DESC; Share. To get this use: count ( {<Color= {'RED'}>}DISTINCT ID) The total count of all ID records where Color is RED would be 5 based on the instances of the same two IDs in the role table. It is computing on the row level. I have data that looks like this: Employee Employment Age 1 a 35 1 b 35 2 a 40 3 a 35 4 a 51 4 b 51 I want to calculate the average age of the individual employees. 08) please if anyone has an. New Amazon QuickSight releases appear in different AWS Regions over a period of time, beginning with the first Region on the initial release date. I have approached this. The filter option will include ALL distinct values that QuickSight finds in that field. Choose Amazon Athena,. You should already be verifying that your fields have the correct data type and an appropriate field name. With the addition of Customer Segment, the total amount billed for each is summed for the. If you chose a comparison type other than Between, enter a comparison value. Assuming we have a created_date column that we aggregate at the week level (starting on Sundays). minOver ( sum ( {Billed Amount}), [ {Customer Region}] ) The following screenshot shows the results of the example. I create one more filter based on “Purchases”, and I select:Jan 2023. I want to sum unique ID's in below example based on customer. Hello, I have a question with Quick Sight, I need to do the running sum of the last 12 months of a variable that is a distinct count of a string. Hi exeprts, I have a fairly complicated formula I’m trying to accomplish in QuickSight. Create the visual with the above field NumberOrdersPerCustomer in the “X-Axis well of the Field Wells. coursecompletionpercent: {coursecompletedbyUser_PRE_FILTER}/ {total courses} Count the users with 100% completion. 0 Let the readers to be able to save sets of filters as bookmarks. In the example below I added a fictional "CustomerID" field for demonstration. Quicksight provides easy to use tools to build visualizations, perform ad-hoc analysis, get business insights from the data and share the results with others. All other period functions are available in these two links: Period over period computation - Amazon QuickSight, Period to date computation - Amazon. g. We look forward to your feedback and stories on how you apply these calculations for your business needs. You can now perform aggregations using Count Distinct in the visualizations, one of the top requests from users. There are two varieties of the percentileOver calculation available in QuickSight: percentileContOver uses linear interpolation to determine result. At the moment you can define a measure that returns the number of distinct users for each device but not the total number of distinct users. Some of the fields data type may be interpreted in the wrong way. Valid granularities include YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, WEEK, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, and. It takes full advantage of the high availability features provided by AWS. When should/can a player offer flavour suggestions over mechanics during character creation? Shifting existing points (shapefile) to the highest. These appear as bars on the chart. For example id. When we compare the results with. Amazon QuickSight applies all of the enabled filters to the field. solution, if you don’t have any true duplicate rows in your dataset but rather duplicate values (Customer Name). To get this use:I have 2 questions: is the User Count 7-Day Avg actually “total distinct user count for last 7 days” here’s the formula calculated field: The formula contains the word windowAvg, but it’s always a lot higher than distinct total user count per each day - so it can’t be the average? how to calculate distinct user count for rolling 30 days? (and plot. Essentially how many people had at least one session per week in the first month of their registration. AswinRajaram AswinRajaram. Many to many is one of the things we luckily haven’t had much need for in our current use case, but I don’t really see how you can properly represent it in quicksight. In the Calculated Field dialog box that opens, do the following, and then click OK : Name the calculated field. For example, when you are looking at the number of unique. The above still does not work because percentOfTotal does not support distinct_count() aggregation yet. Question & Answer. 4. Choose Save. date, calculations. 49 usd, calculation that if count_distinct works correctly, it should be 2844 * 10. com distinctCountOver - Amazon QuickSight. Now, I’d like to calculate a count distinct in a visual disregarding any dimension of the visual I tried distinctCountOver({id},) and it doesn’t works. Specific values allow you to list what values the user will see in the filter that gets added to the visual. Dimensions are text or date fields that can be items, like products, or attributes that are related to measures. Granularity of YEAR means YearToDate computation, Quarter means QuarterToDate, and so on. Instructions to create the dataset can be found in. From the Fields list pane, drag the fields that you want to use to the appropriate field wells. Supported levels are PRE_FILTER and PRE_AGG . A dataset parameter is a parameter created at the dataset level. Create data visualization and dashboards for your users. A date field or a call to another function that outputs a date. Tblasz December 6, 2022, 11:03pm 3. (see percentOfTotal - Amazon QuickSight) But you can still achieve this by calculating the percentage directly by calculating the fraction of distinct customers in each category divided by total number of unique customers: 2/ Added a calculated field on UI using distinct_count(), partitioned over date and teams. Then when you drag and drop it into the visual choose a Count Distinct, or in your calculation wrap the whole thing with distinctCount(). 1M. It achieves it by considering just the first. The first date in the comparison. To perform distinct count by date, you would need to use distinctCountOver. The date dimension over which you're computer PeriodOverTime calculations. Screenshot. From the main QuickSight screen, click New analysis, then New data set. In datasets, you can create the following types of filters: Text filters. The total stations below are static numbers which can not be grouped by months. AWS Regions provide multiple physically separated and isolated. If you disable one of these, only one filter applies. Share. To achieve this you need to add Calculated Field to an Analysis ( as described here ). 08M. In Amazon QuickSight, authors can use dataset parameters in direct query to dynamically customize their datasets and apply reusable logic to their datasets. When should/can a player offer flavour suggestions over mechanics. When a calculated field formula contains an aggregation. Viewing visual details. The distinctCountOver function in Amazon QuickSight is used to calculate the number of unique values in a specified field, based on a defined partition and calculation level. Current workaround is to make changes in. You might be able to do some things using their count distinct if functions but I have noticed that functionality is limited. View solution in original post. Remember to set the aggregate function to Average because we want to find the average profit ratio. If someone can help, it will be great, thank you !Hi @ksfx77 if you drag the Date into a visual or table, and create a measure "Measure = DISTINCTCOUNT ( Table[Column] )", you should be able to drag the measure in and get the distinct count for the specific dates. To study this, first create these two tables. Are you wanting to count the number of events. date 2. This can be done for any part the date by a slight change to the formula. x axis i have date range (date field); bars i have active field (sum); The goal is to sum over date range. You can use the Countif function like: countIf ( Revenue, # Conditions CalendarDay >= $ {BasePeriodStartDate} AND CalendarDay <= $ {BasePeriodEndDate} AND SourcingType <> 'Indirect' ) Documentation. Based on a conditional statement, the distinct_countIf function calculates the number of distinct values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or. Question & Answer. It can be a field name like address1, a literal value like 'Unknown', or a call to another function. Union this pre-aggregated data with the original table. Result: Let us know if this resolves your issue. However, my dataset contains duplicate rows which are created by addition of group and division fields ( many-to-many relationship with owner_id field ). Pick a line chart on the visualize panel and on the fields well add the year in the color. I’m trying count distinct ID’s but combining different companies into categories and using it as a filter. The following function returns a count of the sales transactions ( Revenue) that meet the conditions, including any duplicates. Choose Add on the application bar, and then choose Add visual. In the ‘Show Details’ section. QuickSight has carefully designed concepts and features that enable analysis builders, such as QuickSight authors, to design content-rich, interactive, and dynamic dashboards to share with dashboard viewers. I want the functionality to switch the parameter and the crosstab view should rank according to selection. I want to create a clustered bar combo chart where on:. PDF RSS. I have been trying to get runningsum to work but if I use something like: runtotal=runningsum({id},[{date} ASC]) then I need to have: date, runtotal and id in the field wells to make the runtotal. Author. I arrived to perform the running sum of this, nevertheless, it performs the running sum from the first period till the end of the period, and I need it to be for the last 12 months. If we sum 8953+7667+107+41 = 16 768 which is slightly more than total on screenshot 15 199. avgOverIn this case, you can create a URL action in Amazon QuickSight and pass that whole field as the URL to launch when a user clicks a given data point. Arguments. I’m not able to get the same value(The. But the formulae COUNT(DISTINCT DimB) / COUNT(DISTINCT TOTAL DimB) results in => Blue 3/3 = 100%. Hovering your cursor over a single data point on a scatter plot also displays information. Amazon QuickSight at a glance. please help. Distinct count on customer type; Distinct count on country of residency;. Related questions. The distinctCountOver function calculates the distinct count of the operand partitioned by the specified attributes at a specified level. This is my data (simplified): Date User First Purchase Type Amount Q. Navigate to QuickSight, Dashboards, and select <stack-name>-EvaluationFormAnalytics_v1. answered Nov 6, 2020 at 10:18. docs. The distinct_count function calculates the number of distinct values in a dimension or measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. To expand or collapse a pivot table group. Using pivot tables I can find the percentage difference against the previous month but not against the initial month. I hope this is what you are looking for. Can you please help me ? Regards1 Solution. Creator II. calculations. X: Time by hour granularity Y: Count of active events. SPICE is an in-memory engine for faster data retrieval. If someone can help, it will be great, thank you !. Amazon QuickSight Embedded Analytics. An example is a count of Product by Region. of unique course offerings DESC; Share. To change the aggregation, open the field’s context (right-click) menu, and then choose a different aggregation. Hi, QuickSight just launched a suite of period-over-period functions. Your job_status field would need to be added as column and the job_name (Count distinct) as value. Tatyana_Yakushev April 23, 2022,. For example, when you hover over a single bar on a bar chart, information about that specific bar displays in a tooltip. If you don’t want the metric’s name (job_name) to be displayed in each column, you can hide it using the Hide single metric option in the Pivot. SPICE is an in-memory engine for faster data retrieval. What I do is adding a KPI visual with the distinct count of userID applying the same filters. The count (sales) function returns the total number of sales completed. For example for 2022, if a user has used a product every month of the year, the user should only be counted once. 3. Usually, you use custom window functions on a time series, where your visual shows a metric and a date field. The base partition functions that you can use for this case include sum, avg, count, distinct_count, rank, and denseRank. percentileDiscOver uses actual values to determine result. Bar charts are useful for comparing categories. Before you apply these calculations, look at the following brief introduction to partition functions. Parameters in Amazon QuickSight. By using parameters, you can create an easier way for a dashboard user to interact with dashboard features in a less technical way. You could create a calculated field and use the sumOver function . Using distinctCountOver in the dimension field. Sqrt(expression) – Returns the square root of a. here, for example, for September I have 2844 users with count_distinct, but the amount is equal to a common count, including duplicates, and the correct individual amount is 10. Based on a conditional statement, the avgIf function averages the set of numbers in the specified measure, grouped by the chosen dimension or dimensions. If Ticket_No is null no need to count employee. Preview rows – A preview of the sampled rows appear at bottom right when the join configuration editor isn't in use. Take care that multiple filters applied to. Question & Answer. When I use distinctCount(ID) and create a table or graph, QuickSight seems to count distinct appearances of ID per time unit selected, not for the full population. CLICK TO EXPAND STEPS. Under QuickSight access to AWS services, choose Add or remove. I get the same result with this:. distinct_count 関数は、ディメンションまたはメジャーの個別の値の個数を計算し、選択した 1 つ以上のディメンションに基づいてグループ化して返します。. firstValueOnce the QuickSight service is loaded, click on “Datasets”. ABC Customer/34567/200. distinct count from Jan 2022 to Dec 2022. . I’ve tried so many different things, but I still keep getting 8771. The correct total should be 12,660. Question & Answer. SUMX (DISTINCTCUSTOMERS, [DistCust]) The total at the bottom represent ALL the distinct customers, which in my summary table is 8,771. For more information on QuickSight's new look, see Introducing new analysis experience on Amazon QuickSight. countIf ( Revenue, # Conditions CalendarDay >= $. Typically the values corresponding to the dimension that will be aggregated (e. 362 3 3 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. check_out_date - INTERVAL 1 DAY AND bookings. The account name uniquely identifies your account in QuickSight. With the addition of Customer Segment, the total amount billed for each is summed for the. The unique values computation counts the unique values in a category field. With Actions, you can link visuals within a dashboard so that selecting a dimensional point on one visual provides you with. Amazon QuickSight Community Sum of distinct countif. how-to, calculations, filters. Question & Answer. My table has some valued more than once. Partition functions. I have added the total stations in the dimension bucket and use the function distinctCountOver({master station}, [{super region},region], P&hellip; Hello, I am trying to do a distinct year-to-date count in quicksight calculations. Hi, I want to use the function distinctCountOver - counting distinct IDs over a month (and adding this filed to a table that is not aggregated by month). Note: For more information, see Creating Datasets in the Amazon QuickSight documentation. Make sure the dataset you want to use is selected in the drop-down in the dataset section (1) and click the add button in the top left corner (2) Click Add visual and create your visual as you would normally. In this image, the product “ChatBot Plugin. The count (sales) function returns the total number of sales completed. As far as for the workaround you might have to perform such computation in data-prep using joins. I am trying to create a dual axis combo chart - one axis showing count per day (date) and the other axis showing cumulative count (over the full chart). This Quicksight *difference functions seems to break when in the Columns you have expandable granularities. With the windows function, you still have the count across two groups but each of the 4 rows in the database is listed yet the sum is for the whole group, when you use the partition statement. Sign in. The percentileOver function calculates the n th percentile of a measure partitioned by a list of dimensions. To use this function, you need at least one dimension in the Categories field well. mansiish March 10, 2023, 10:47pm 1. The QuickSight dataset will add new data incrementally without deleting historical data. AWS Regions provide multiple physically separated and isolated. This is called a LAC-A function. You can use aggregations in the analysis level calculated field. Copy AWS quicksight data sets and dashboards over multiple data sources. My requirement is that i have to count the distinct phone numbers in January but only the ones that also appeared in the previous month. These fields are indicated in Mode with. A distinct count can show how many different products are sold for each region. For example for 2022, if a user has used a product every month of the year, the user should only be counted once. It can easily compare with the. See here to learn about cross data set filters. What's the equivalent function on Quicksight like "Countifs" on Excel? I would like to create a calculated field to add the count if Order status = Created AND Order status = Paid. QuickSightを1年ほど使って、簡単に出来そうで出来なかったことをまとめてみました。 正確な1ヶ月の平均値を出す. Example below would result in 4 column1. QuickSight auto-maps fields across data sets by their name and type, and applies this mapping to filter on all mapped fields coming from multiple data sets. So if you made a bar chart with key as the x-axis and this count as the y it should show one on the y-axis for every x-axis point. windowCount would allow you to specify a ‘lookback’ window of how many data points prior (or after) you want to count. I’m using the below formula to get this unique count. Resilience in Amazon QuickSight. This column (Users) has “count disctinct” setting turned on. You can also select Add. . AWS Security Hub is a service that gives you aggregated visibility into your security and compliance posture across multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts. If this is no longer relevant after seven days, we will archive the question. Line styling – To style a specific series, select the series to style on the drop-down menu and set the desired line styling options. ) SELECT version, COUNT (DISTINCT email) AS userCount FROM all_sessions GROUP BY version ) ds. You can use aggregations in the analysis level calculated field. Get the distinct customers with their salary, add a dummy column called “flag”. amazon. I’m using the below formula to get this unique count runningSum( distinct_count( ifelse( {Time Period}=minOver({Time Period}, [advertiserid], PRE_FILTER), advertiserid, NULL )), [{Time Period} ASC. You can use countIf instead of distinct_countIf if your row_id will be unique per row. Obviously, “week” values are a subset of “month” values (i. here is the calculation field i have. My table looks like this: user_id | event | date 1 | login | 2022-01-01 14:30 1 | login | 2022-01-01 15:30 2 | login | 2022-01-02 09:00 1 | login | 2022-01-02 11:59 1 |. Assuming we have a created_date column that we aggregate at the week level (starting on Sundays). Hi Joshua - it would be similar to the last 90 days calc, but use 7 as the number and return the field you want to do a distinct count of instead of Sales, and return NULL instead of 0. Condition#1 -> Equals Value - > GREEN (in the right check box 'color', I choose green colour) Add Condition Condition#2 -> Equals Value - > RED (in the right check box 'color', I choose red colour) Attaching screenshots for your. I am trying to use distinct_countif and was wondering if the. The following example sums Billed Amount over Customer Region. You can use this workaround to get the same functionality as runningDistinctCount () as follows: runningSum ( distinct_count ( ifelse ( datetime=minOver ( {Date}, [ {ID}], PRE_AGG), {ID}, NULL )), [ {Date} ASC], [] ) This would give you the runningDistinctCount of ID 's over the Date field. 先ほどの場合はLAC-A関数と呼ばれ、集計関数(例えばsum,max,count等)内に、集計に使用するレベルを追記して利用. By default, new users will. Please find my below query. Supported levels are PRE_FILTER and. Amazon QuickSight is a fast, cloud-native, serverless, business intelligence service that makes it easy to deliver insights to everyone. Amazon QuickSight is a Cloud-based Business Intelligence tool and is available under the hood – Amazon Web Services. Hovering over any graphical element in a visual displays the data associated with that element. percentileOver. 2 Answers. We have not heard back from you regarding your question. Since the 'wk' field is not a date-defined field, it is probably just considering 'wk' as an int. CountThis example shows how to use ARRAY_AGG () to pivot a column of output into an array in a single row: This example shows the use of the DISTINCT keyword with ARRAY_AGG (). For example, my table has only date and string fields. nested average over on AWS Quicksight. . Improve this answer. If I try to switch to a pivot table, I get this but I don’t want all these expand/collapse options on my detail rows. Add a numeric filter to a dataset in Amazon QuickSight. I need a calculation that first get the Age value. 1 Answer. You can follow the prompts to set up anomaly detection or forecasting based on the data in that visual. date 1. This post presents a simple approach to aggregating AWS WAF logs into a central data lake repository, which lets teams better analyze and understand their organization’s security posture. 2019-02-14 09:48 PM. There are two types of calculated fields: on a data set level and on on analysis level. Click on the + Sign to select the fields you can filter by. percentOfTotal (.